
Choose the right battery for your car
Mercedes-benz require larger batteries than the average car.
Let us help you select the right battery to fit your car.
Do you have a dead battery?
Before you jump to any conclusions lets us test your battery and cars charging system to ensure the problem really is your batter, you could have any one of numerous problems, including:
Any one of numerous electrical componets could have a problem and drain your battery
Bad Alternator
- Bad Alternator
- Loose Connections
- Croratoed Terminals
We now sell tires
We now sell tires check out the Tires
link on the left for more details

JSG Automotive has been in business for over 20 years.
About JSG Automotive
Our shop is home to master certified technicians who are dedicated to providing you only the highest level of service for your vehicle.

JSG Automotive, Inc.
4315 Pete Brown Road
Charlotte, NC 28269
Phone (704) 597-5950
Fax (704) 597 5952